Flying Geese in the round

Flying Geese stitch, worked in the round. Lovely easy pattern for begginers like me.
Circular Knitting, Reversible Knitting Pattern. Written instructions for Flying Geese stitch in the round. #CircularKnitting #knittingintheround
Category: Pattern in the round
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Ralated stitch: Flying Geese stitch - worked flat
Abbreviations: RS, WS: Right side, wrong side
ST, STS: Stitch, stitches
Rep: Repeat
K: Knit
P: Purl
SAVE TO PINTEREST Flying Geese in the round
Cast on a multiple of 12 sts.
Round 1: *K1, P5, K5, P1; rep from * to end.
Round 2: *K2, P4, K4, P2; rep from * to end.
Round 3: *K3, P3, K3, P3; rep from * to end.
Round 4: *K4, P2, K2, P4; rep from * to end.
Round 5: *K5, P1, K1, P5; rep from * to end.
Round 6: *K6, P6; rep from * to end.
Round 7: *K5, P1, K1, P5; rep from * to end.
Round 8: *K4, P2, K2, P4; rep from * to end.
Round 9: *K3, P3, K3, P3; rep from * to end.
Round 10: *K2, P4, K4, P2; rep from * to end.
Round 11: *K1, P5, K5, P1; rep from * to end.
Round 12: *P6, K6; rep from * to end.
Rep Rounds 1 - 12.